Sunday, July 15, 2012

A thought for truth.

I had a conversation where I was communicating certain observations I was making within the realms of Astrology.  I know, I know, it's incredibly far-fetched and certainly new-agey.  But I just can't help to see some very interesting "coincidences", or I suspect, certain truths within it.  (And no, I'm not talking about how on tuesday, every Gemini will find a new love interest)  

My friend, a person who shares my religious view, communicated certain skepticism and made the comment that if it doesn't come through the veins of church leaders, she just doesn't believe it.  

I mulled that over. And, to me, it feels incredibly closed.  

It's like I can see all these lights of truth around me.  Hundreds of truths everywhere I look!  Starting with things that have been on my mind most recently, but not limited to: differing political view points, basic natural tendencies, psychic power - ok, I know I've just freaked you out, and sciences of all sorts. 

I see hundreds of different lights of truth.  Some of my friends see some of them.  Other friends see a different set.  And they argue about which is really true.  And I see them all and think to myself, "why can't they both be true?  How come they can't all be lights that emanate from the same sphere of truth?!"  I observe certain fallacies within them, and perhaps a change necessary in future perfection, but there are certain points of truth that are the burgeoning of the fundamental philosophy.  But we get lost in the ticky-tacky.

Then I came across a quote from Brigham Young that said, "Mormonism embraces all truth that is revealed and that is not revealed, whether religious, political, scientific, or philosophical." 

I thought of Christ and the creation of the Earth.  Is He not the ultimate scientist?  He took the elements of the Earth; dust, water, particles and created life!  Also, He commanded the seas to obey Him! He was a master healer who realigned human defect enabling the blind to see, the palsy whole, and the leper cleansed.  He walked on water!

Yet, He still obeyed all the laws of physics. He just knew more about science than we mortals. And since His purpose in coming was not to teach science, but to bring eternal truths that would lead to salvation, He left the science lessons out and instead spoke of behavior (which lesson we struggle to master and I also believe to be fundamental in our understanding for any of the rest of it). 

I must admit, never once in attending church have I had a science lesson.  Yet there is truth within it.  Just because my religious leaders didn't speak of it, doesn't make it untrue.  And that's just science!  What about the rest of it?!  

Our gift is to seek for personal development.  Our gift is to seek for ".. anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy".  The article of faith 13 makes no mention of it to be only within Church walls.  As understood from John 17:11-17, We are to be in the world, but not of the world!   

I do not believe in closing my mind to the truth that is in the air.  I choose to use my religious knowledge as my base of understanding for everything else.  And it's not something I will release my grip on.  It is my ground.  Where would I be if I didn't have something to stand on?  And what could be more firm footing than God and his divine principles?  

I will continue to find truth in the essence of life all around me.  I believe God is in control of the whole world.  I believe it is all going according to His plan.  How can He not be everywhere within the truth of it's creation in some way or another?  And I will seek the Holy Spirit of God to alight upon me and verify to my heart whether the things I view are true or not.  I believe He will reveal certain connecting dots that I am unable to comprehend on my own because He "knoweth all things."  Which thing I certainly cannot claim.  But I will not close my heart to understanding them.  

It is all within the right attitude where all things can be learned.  If you close your mind to something, you close your ability to learn about it. I pray my attitude will continue to allow development and that my mind will never be closed to what I might find that is good and true.

As a side note, I'm sure that my friend would agree that there is truth in science.  Gravity is just too easy.  My point is, what truths have we closed our minds to?  For whatever reason, are our minds closed to seeing the truth that could be within something that we would, at first glance, choose to ignore or judge as false before we inspect it?  

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Perfect Park Evening

My hubby Alan came up with the idea for the Elder's Quorum to host a Family Home Evening in the park.  

All the families brought their own dinners.  We played at the pool all day, so were thankful for KFC!  Kale said that the McDonald's catch phrase of "I'm lovin' it" Should belong to KFC instead. I agree.  

Alan was the master of dutch oven pineapple upside down cake (which was fabulous!).

Afterwards he shared a thought from the life experience of Heber J. Grant about determination and not giving up on your weaknesses. It was quite nice.  
And then we played together!  It was so great to have a quiet evening with friends at the park.  The Mullis Family brought their Tug-o-War rope, and we had at it!!

I was amused that when it came time for the adults to take a turn, they all stood around like they weren't quite sure how to play.  And I don't mean, play Tug-o-War, I mean play.  Have we, as adults, forgotten what it's like to want to play and compete? Have we forgotten the joy and thrill of the game??  Well, I guess I shouldn't say that we've forgotten, but it took a minute to get the idea back.  I think when it boils down to it, we all have some kid in there somewhere.  And when we let our inner kid out to play, it's incredibly fun!  

Great night!  Great friends!  Great fun!  
