Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Beginning.

A thought for the start

I love keeping a journal.  Though I am horrible about writing in them.  And, when I do pen in my journal, I have a tendency to ramble; to sort of get it all out.  But often, I wish for a backspace and and edit key to reform my words and meaning.  <Enter computer>

I am a constant thinker. Constantly, I have random thoughts running, perspectives forming, ideas budding, problems sorting, and questions posing. And journaling helps me sort them, grow them, and understand them (too seldom utilized).  I am often at the computer and I think a blog is just the right thing to help me along my life-journey.  Computer!  Edit!  Backspace!  Consistent writing!   Documented!  Fire/flood/earthquake/tornado/tsumani/hurricane proof! (Though I doubt Zombie Apocalypse proof) 

I believe God has given me insight to know that writing my thoughts and opinions is very beneficial for me, and perhaps important somehow.  And as I wish to contribute to the good of the world, I hope that my thoughts, sent out there into the universe, will somehow be appreciated.  That they will somehow inspire.  That they will find a friend along the way.  I also hope that one day, If ever interested, my children will be able to understand who I am as they look through it.

We never get to see our parents as they were when they were young.  Only how age has grown them.  Always being a generation below them.  How interesting would it be to be able to read about their life at 30 while I am at 30? I will always wonder. But I hope my children won't have to.  

I listened to an experience of a young mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer and was in the throws of fighting for her life quite unexpectedly.  And she said that one of her first thoughts after learning the serious diagnosis, was how she hadn't kept a journal.  Her young children might not ever know her.  They wouldn't know what she thought about or how she felt about life.  And the thought stuck with me.  

My children are so incredibly dear to my heart.  I desire nothing more than to be able to raise them and teach them, as well as spend my life learning from them. But, we aren't promised tomorrow. Our moments are numbered, and we never know when they are on the countdown.  Life is so precious.  And in an attempt to express myself and give to my children and understanding of me in ways they may not understand yet, I begin this blog.

There will be thoughts!  There will be fun experiences!  There will be questions and confusions!  There will be pictures and recipes!  There will be memories! There will be weakness and strength!  There will be mistakes and achievements!  There will be a mixed bag of all sorts of things.  There will be all things pertaining to me. Because, it's just me here. And be prepared... I'm sort of random.

... Me  

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